Romans 13

Kevin White
2 min readJan 7, 2017


Protect white suburbia
And serve their indifference

The message is clear
Comply nigger but you still have to fear
Standard issue
Bleed out on the concrete
Sully my passenger seat
Prostrate in the grass
For carrions to eat

This body
Oh Lord goddamn black bodies
Oh how they fear this body
Oh how they fear me
Cross the street when they near me
Forgetting child support
Crap I
Drove around with my broken taillight
Shoot me down
There’s no fight it’s flight
From this animal farm run by emperors Napoleon

Snowball-cold cynicism to survive
Ten times I saw Terence die
Hands in the air pairs of five
Oh, you ain’t here to protect me
My God says I need to respect thee
Just do as they say
And I’ll get shot anyway
Thirteen Romans struggle
We’re done with these tyrants

Protect hegemony
And serve obliviousness

Fuck the Michigan State Government
Blunt message sent
But that’s one more fuck
Than y’all gave about Flint
Poisoning those people
Because they vote blue
Pious one up in the sky expects me to respect you too?
Pillaging white collar criminals dressed up in suits
Stealing my people’s right to vote their way
Saying they are aren’t engaged
Voter turnouts in eight and twelve make that look real strange
Devalue my vote
Insult my intelligence

Mass murders
Scary terrorists
End up in the clink
Castille blood goes down the drain of some sink
Turned off the lights in Boston to catch a bomber
But don’t let him get home
That nigger may be a robber

Protect no negroes
And serve white fear

One false move and they shoot me
Or was that a mistake
I tried to follow directions
But my mind’s real baked
From Trayvon, Michael, John, and Tamir
Every time you told me comply I had nothing to fear
Put those cuffs on Freddie didn’t resist arrest
Baltimore burned but I can’t pray I’m in my Sunday best

Blind by privilege and innocence
Telling athletes to shut up and dance
Don’t pop my evangelical bubble
Lest I stumble
And see I fumbled
Just watched as my brothers tumbled
On hot pavement
Another victim of systematic enslavement
“Cause it’s not just race problem
It’s a problem with sin
Like I wonder why that negro didn’t put his hands up again?”

My son you gotta respect the cops…

Pops, they don’t even care that I live
They don’t care what I have to give
They don’t wanna talk it out
Popping lead what it’s all about
Corralling me so the privileged won’t see my snout
Respect and submit
It’s what you said to do
But these pigs don’t ask questions
They just point and shoot

Your people out here pissed
Cause some dude took a knee
But these sanctimonious
Frauds don’t care if I bleed
My life matters not in America
No matter how much I grind and stare at ya
Try to be that disciple you need
Try to accomplish Romans 13



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